Four Cylinder Club of America History Project

Outdoor events formed the core of the FCCA’s activities.  And, picnics were a popular type of outdoor event.  Here are several black and white photos I acquired from former club members showing various picnics.  It’s fun to see all the Austin A40 Devons, MG-TDs, MG-TCs, Hillmans, Jowett Jupiters, and other foreign cars that are so rare today, crowding the FCCA events of the early 1950s.  If you recognize any of these events or the people depicted, contact us!


  1. Glenn Davis

    PICTURE 9: That’s my dad, Ralph Davis, standing just to the left of the large tree, holding the black notebook. I found that notebook binder just last month (after finding loose pages from it in another folder several years ago).

  2. John Burkhard (Johnny)

    PICTURE 9: That’s my self and my mom, Jean, standing to thright of tree. The gentieman to the left of me is holding his head and thinking ” where did that kid find that ugly shirt”

    • WilkmanRacing

      PICTURE 9: That is fantastic to hear from someone who was in the picture! I have a hand-written list of women members that I believe was created in 1951 or 1952. Your mom is listed as member219. I also have a list of points winners for what is likely the same year listing your mom as an MG owner who had earned 182 points, 23rd highest among 49 people on the list. My dad, Walter Wilkman (An Austin A40 Devon driver) is listed 46th on the list, tied with Don Whittmore with 108 points. I’m going to post these lists to the web site today.

  3. john martin

    another voice from the past. Jean Burkhardt. I wonder if She remembers my brother jim and his wife Mary. nice to see these old pics

  4. John Burkhard

    PICTURE 10: Guy on the left is John Orlando

  5. John Burkhard

    John Martin please contact me at “


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