Four Cylinder Club of America History Project

Sports Car Motor Week – Some Basics

Sports Car Motor Week was a major event involving the efforts of several FCCA chapters to put on a multi-day program of sports car related events.  As time permits I will post the photographs I have of these events.  Unfortunately, many of my Sports Car Motor Week photos are water damaged to the extent one cannot discern the subject of the photo.

This photo shows a Mercedes Benz entered in the concours event.  I believe it is the 1954 Sports Car Motor Week event.  To lend an aura of elegance to the concours, models posed with the cars, clothed in fashion designer wear.  Notice the sign below the Mercedes announcing that the model with this car is wearing a “Diamond Jubilee” evening sheath by Edith Small.

The concours was held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.  This hotel is famous as the site were Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.

If you have photos, programs, etc. of Sports Car Motor Week events, please contact us.